What is cPanel? Great question! Here at MuelShed Data Storage & Website Hosting we “lease”, “operate”, and “run” a variety of commercial grade “software programs” on our Google Cloud Platform Instance Server in Council Bluffs Iowa, so our clients can store their data and build their own websites. One of these programs is named “cPanel”, owned by cPanel LLC, and it basically has two parts. The 1st part is “Reseller WHM” (Web Host Manager), you, as a client, only have access to this if you lease a “Reseller Account” from us. The 2nd part is “cPanel” which all clients receive, it allows you to have full control over your data storage, and also create and maintain your website. cPanel requires a “cookie” (small block of data) to be set in your browser, if you clear your cookies often, and or receive an error message that says “Your session cookie is invalid. Please log in again.”, simply “refresh” your page and or allow cookies.
Once you log in to cPanel you can do all sorts of things pertaining to your data, including: creating folders, uploading & downloading files, setting access permissions, running backups, monitoring server status, gaining traffic analytics, and installing and deleting WordPress. WordPress is your “CMS” or Content Management System, this allows you to communicate directly with your clients via your website, hours of operation, FAQ, contact form, email address, phone number, shopping cart, forums, and so much more. The image above is what the cPanel log in screen looks like, you can click it to log in, please note you will be leaving this main website as you enter cPanel but rest assured you are still on the MuleShed Data Storage Server. We are NOT resellers of another hosting company, but our Reseller Plans are a great way to get started hosting if you so desire. Thank you!